About Oscar

Welcome to another page!
This page is about me,Okay to start off..
What I like:
My intrests are Drawing,Travel,Computer,Animals,And Nature..
For the computer I usually Waddle' About on Club Penguin,To find new things to post about.
For Club Penguin,My user is Ozcar567.
If you met me,I'm usually on safe chat servers,And less populated servers just for in my screenshots there wont be lots of penguins in it.
No,I'm not that famous,But a few people know me.
About me:
First of all,I'm a Australian.
I like Animals,
I like bad weather.
I always visit my website a few times a day,to edit and post new stuff.
I'm not always on Club Penguin,I also go on Kuma War,Xat,And Youtube.

         ABOUT THIS BLOG          
 My blog is based on game reviews,animals,my dog, and club penguin.
 Feel free to vote on the poll,I would also not mind you telling me what I need to improve on in this blog,and what is good about it.
I will not have anything posted over 14+,Seeing this is based on Club Penguin,A game for kids.
  Thanks for viewing!